Just a couple of guys that have embarked on the journey of integrating tech into our everyday lives to make things easier, and just more fun. After the last few years, it became obvious that we needed to start tracking our work to reference at a later date or share the link so others will be able to leverage some of our creative solutions. Not all are ours but we will do our best to give credit where credit is due. Some articles might just be links to YouTube videos. So jump in and start browsing around.
About Logik:
About RecklessRewards:
I’m a happily married father of 3. All my kids are young adults giving me more time to goof around and play with tech. I started by making my chicken run accessible from my cell phone so I could lock my chickens in at night. Now I have dashboards and automation & routines across my house. I have started integrating much of what I have in my house into my RV. Also, I’ve been on a journey to build an HO Model Train layout that will eventually be automated and able to completely run from an iPad or cell phone.
For my career, I’m a Senior Engineering Program Manager for a large tech company based in California and work out of their Seattle, WA office. Being in tech is fun but I’m more passionate about my home projects and hobbies. Click on my name above to see my posts.